Dr. Petra Zimmermann
Head Measurements and Data
Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz
Dr. Petra Zimmermann combines Know-How, Experience, Leadership, Passion and Innovative Thinking in Digitalization Initiatives and complex Environments.
She worked in start-ups and international companies in different roles, as Head of Vorwerk Digital she was responsible for the digital ecosystem of smart devices. At Swiss Post she established Enterprise Architecture, Strategic Initiatives and Digital Excellence with focus on new Business Models and Digitalization.
Petra studied Physics at the Technical University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Her Master Thesis focussed on algorithms concerning sensor data, data analytics and artificial intelligence. Later she received her PhD at ETH Zurich, Switzerland where she worked on Computer Vision algorithms in the field of Virtual Reality, 3 dimensional objects and Smart Cities. Petra completed her technical profile with profound studies in Entrepreneurship, Business Strategy and Transformation, International Management, Economics, Marketing at University of St.Gallen (HSG) where she received the Executive MBA in General Management.
Data Sources, Data Management and Data Spaces in the context of Sustainibility and Environmental Challenges
Lean Leader Summit 2024
There are many different data sources with different spatial and temporal resolutions that are already used by experts in Environmental und sustainibility topics. This data is usually very domain specific, e.g. the monitoring of the number of insects to calculate an indicator for biodiversity.
To fulfill the requirements of monitorings and decisions in the field of circular economy, biodiversity, pollution and climate adaption use cases require combination of different data sources, data and the concept of data spaces as the European Green Deal Data Space.
The presentation will focus on the challenges and use cases.
Positionierung von EAM als Vordenker und Taktgeber
Lean EAM Konferenz 2019
Die Rolle des Enterprise Architekturmanagements wird seit seines Bestehens diskutiert. Wo ist das Thema heute in Unternehmen angesiedelt, wie ist seine Rolle in der Digitalisierung und was wird und sollte sich verändern?
Im Zuge der Digitalisierung kommen neue Rollen wie der Chief Digital Officer auf, andere verändern sich, z.B. wird durch die Zunahme der Bedeutung von Cybersecurity über die Positionierung der CISO-Rolle in Unternehmen diskutiert. Innovation Labs, neu geschaffene Digitalisierungsbereiche und neue Zusammenarbeitsformen verändern bisherige Unternehmensstrukturen.
Was sind dabei die Erwartungen an die Enterprise Architektur? Was sind die Stärken guter Enterprise Architekten? Wo, in welchen Themen kann Architektur (Business-)Mehrwert schaffen und wie kann sie sich positionieren? Und wo sollten Architekten die eigene Komfortzone verlassen? Ein interaktiver Vortrag mit Beispielen aus der Praxis.

Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz
The Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss is Switzerland's national weather service. We record and forecast the weather and climate in Switzerland and thus make a sustainable contribution to the well-being of the population and to the benefit of the economy, science and the environment.